About Outpost

What is Outpost | Major Releases | Release Information

What is Outpost

Outpost was designed for the Amateur Radio ARES/RACES packet user community. The thinking behind it was to create an intuitive, easy-to-use program that lets ARES/RACES organizations focus on the "message," not the "medium," as they pass digital message traffic to and from an Operational Area BBS. So, what are the overall design goals?

Outpost has a similar look and feel to other contemporary mail clients. It features Windows-driven forms and screens that handle creating, sending, receiving, storing, and printing packet messages from your PC. It also can run automatically where it periodically checks for out-going and in-coming messages.

Outpost does not yet support any packet message forwarding protocol or SMTP. Instead, it interprets the information sent from the TNC and BBS, then generates the TNC and BBS commands needed to send, list, and retrieve messages from the BBS. It essentially automates the keyboard entry and interpretation performed by the user.

Outpost uses BBSs and PBBSs as mail drops where a user can leave a packet message for someone without the other person needing to be on line at that point in time. Support for many BBS and PBBSs has been built into Outpost with new ones being added as they are identified.


Major Releases

Outpost has undergone several releases of functionality identified by the Outpost user community. Find information on the last few Outpost releases here...
